Interface I18nBrickOptions

Interface representing the options for the I18nBrick. It extends from BrickOptions.



database?: Database

The database of the Brick instance. This is used to manage the data storage and retrieval for the Brick.

debug?: boolean

A flag indicating whether to enable debug mode.

defaultLanguage?: string

The default language for the I18nBrick.


id?: string

The unique identifier of the Brick instance. If not provided, a random UUID will be generated.

intelligence?: Intelligence

The Intelligence of the Brick instance. This is used to manage the AI capabilities of the Brick.

logJSON?: boolean

A boolean indicating whether the logs should be in JSON format.

logLevel?: Level

The log level of the Brick instance. This determines the level of detail of the logs.

name?: string

The name of the Brick instance. If not provided, the id will be used as the name.

pinoOptions?: LoggerOptions

The options for the pino logger used by the Brick instance.

resources: {
    [language: string]: {
        translation: {
            [key: string]: string;

The resources for the I18nBrick, organized by language and translation key.

Type declaration

  • [language: string]: {
        translation: {
            [key: string]: string;
    • translation: {
          [key: string]: string;
      • [key: string]: string
structure?: Structure

The parent Structure of the Brick, if any.