Creates a new I18n Brick.
The options for the I18n Brick.
#keepThe interval of the keep alive function of the Brick instance. This is a private property used to store the interval of the keep alive function.
#programsThe programs of the Brick instance. This is a private property used to store the programs that the Brick can run.
#tasksThe scheduled tasks of the Brick instance. This is a private property used to store the scheduled tasks that the Brick can run.
aiThe intelligence of the Brick instance. This is used to manage the AI capabilities of the Brick.
dbThe database of the Brick instance. This is used to manage the data storage and retrieval for the Brick.
The event emitter of the Brick instance. This is used to emit events that occur in the Brick, such as the running of a program.
The i18next instance.
The unique identifier of the Brick instance.
The logger used by the Brick instance. This is used to log information about the operation of the Brick.
The name of the Brick instance.
structureThe parent Structure of the Brick instance, if any.
The translation function.
options: anyGets the current language of the I18n Brick.
Sets the current language of the I18n Brick.
Gets the languages supported by the I18n Brick.
Toggles the keep alive flag of the Brick instance, which will prevent the Node process from exiting
A boolean indicating whether to turn the keep alive flag on or off.
This is useful if you don't have a server or something else keeping the Node process alive.
Adds a program to the private map of programs.
The program to add.
Class representing an I18n (Internationalization) Brick. It extends from the Brick class.